How to overcome exam stress

How to overcome exam stress

“Exams”, oh god! This word is horrifying for me; does it do to you too? A week before the exam are the toughest day and as the exam day comes near the panic attacks are more severe, I always promise myself to control this(do you?), and fail badly. The panic attacks before exams affect my performance in the exams.want to know how to overcome exam stress.

This made me do research and write this blog, there are few tips on how to overcome exam stress.


      1. Make study place a happy place: Clean your workplace and remove all the clutters around you. Put motivating and positive thoughts on your desk and arrange everything in an order that while studying you don’t waste time finding things around you.
      2. Make your study schedule: Time management plays an important role in reducing exam stress. Make a practical study schedule and follow it. Once you finish your syllabus on time, it will reduce your exam stress and you will have enough time for revision.
      3. Exercise Regularly: Physical well-being results in mental well being, exercise is the most important aspect to reduce exam stress. There are many benefits of doing exercise, it increases the blood circulation in the brain which results in energetic functioning of the body and increases the efficiency.
      4. Calm yourself down: Studying for hours can make you tired and restless. Listen to quiet and calming music that makes you calm or do something that gives you happiness.
      5. Take short Breaks: Continuously studying for hours is not going to help you. Take short breaks while studying say 10-15 minutes break after every 2 hours, in the short break you can go for the walk and do some relaxing activity.
      6. Get enough sleep: A healthy sleeping schedule can help you overcome the exam stress. For an adult 6-7 hours of sleep is mandatory, a proper sleep relax you and helps you to study with energy and focus.
      7. Eat healthy food: A food with all nutrients and vitamins keeps you pink in health, avoid junk food as it causes health issues and creates uneasiness in the body.
      8. Don’t Multitask: Multitasking seems good, but it reduces focus on one particular task and can result in confusion. Try to avoid multitasking and try to focus on one thing at a particular point in time.
      9. Eat dark chocolate while studying: Dark chocolate contains cocoa that increases the concentration. As concentration increases the exam stress releases.
      10. Prioritize your time: Set your priorities and don’t waste time on unnecessary stuff, once you are done with the syllabus on time there will be no exam stress.
      11. Do mind exercises in free time: Preparing for exams doesn’t mean just mugging up the syllabus all the time, do mind exercises in free time it will increase your brain power and relax it up. Once your mind is relaxed, there will be no stress of the exams.
      12. Minimize your distraction: We stress about anything when we miss the deadline of the work, missing is the deadline of the work is due to the distractions. Minimize your distraction and focus on the study, this will reduce your exam stress.
      13. Be clear about your exam: Be clear with the syllabus and pattern of the exam, this will help you in better preparation of the exam and reduces the exam stress.
      14. Seek help when you need it: A difficult question or topic which you are not able to comprehend can give you stress, at that time seek help from others and try to comprehend the subject or topic. Once you are done with it, there will be no more stress for the same.
      15. Remain calm during the exam: Exam stress is before and during the exam, overcoming the stress during the exam is important as well. Be calm during the exam and be prepared for all the outcomes during the exam.
      16. Keep track of time during the exam: Managing time during the exam is important and helps to overcome the exam stress. Solving the questions within the time gives a sense of confidence and releases all the exam stress.


These are the few tips to overcome the exam stress; everyone has a different way to relax. Find yours and follow that to overcome the exam stress. Always remember exams are important, but not as much as you.

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Frequently Asked Questions:


  1. What to do to reduce exam stress?

Ans– Exam stress id due to missing the deadlines of completing the syllabus, still not to worry you can get through this.

Steps listed below can help you-

  • Prepare time table
  • Follow time table
  • Eat healthy food
  • Say no to all the distractions
  • Take short breaks during studying.


  1. How to prepare for the exam?

Ans– Exam preparation plays an important role in the performance of the exam.

Steps listed below can help you-

  • Prioritize your time
  • Get through the syllabus
  • Make short goals
  • Keep a check on your performance
  • Manage time efficiently.

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